Monday, March 11, 2013

Remembering the Good Things

This previous Lord's Day, our elder at church, Jupin, mentioned how we should recount the good things God has done for us. The Israelites were always quick to forget the good things God did for them and as a result they were quick to question God's goodness and rebel against Him. So I thought I should write down the things God did in my life that spoke to me. Here are a couple I hope you will enjoy:

- One night I was praying to God about how much I fear Him after coming to realization how close to hell I'd been in my life. I told the Lord about my fear and told Him I'm not sure what to do. The next morning while I'm eating cereal, I remind myself about how much I fear God. Right when I had this thought, the audio bible which I had playing in the background read out 1 John 4:18 "Perfect love casts out fear." God answered my prayer by telling me he would take that fear and turn it into love.

- Wanted a sofa bed, dresser and crib for the baby, God gave us all three. The baby crib was exactly the one Grace wanted on amazon (it was a special kind that can be converted to a bed) and was gifted to us by Laura and Johann. We didn't ask for any of them, they just came to us. Brother Johann emailed us out of no where and Aunt Shin called us saying her cousin wanted to give away a sofa bed and a dresser.

- Had trouble finding a job after college. At the last job interview I was nervous about whether or not I got the job from Oracle. About a week after the interview, Mom and I were eating pizza at costco. One of the pizzas fell on the way out to the parking lot. It did a flip but I caught it with my plate. It sounds far fetched but both my mom and I thought that it was God showing us that He can turn things around. I found a few hours later that I got the job after checking my voicemail.

- After surrendering my life to Jesus, I had a dream of a black limousine doing a U-turn. During the U-turn someone in a black hood prayed "Blessed be the name of the Lord". Interpretation: the black limousine was me in my previous life on the way to hell. Even though I was a professing christian I was living a double life with one foot in the world and one foot in church. God was turning my life around. I didn't understand the dream at the time because back then I didn't believe you could lose your salvation. I'm not sure about the guy in the black hooded robe, perhaps they are the forces of darkness who had to admit defeat because they lost one more soul going to hell. It also just occured to me the limousine may have been black to signify that it was going to my own funeral. In the new testament, death is used as a metaphor for hell, whereas 'sleeping' is a metaphor for those who die but wait for the resurrection to life (John 11:11).

- Had an enormous headache one Sunday that lasted until I came back from church. I tried to ignore it but finally a voice within me said "Why don't you pray for it?". I prayed to God to heal my headache and it immediately went away. This was the first healing I experienced.

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